Head of state:
H.M. King Harald V
H.M. Queen Sonja
Prime Minister:
Erna Solberg
Areal (total):
Norway 385.155 km2
- Svalbard 61.020 km2
- Jan Mayen 377 km2
Norway (not incl. Svalbard and Jan Mayen) 323.758 km2
Bouvet Island 49 km2
Peter Island 156 km2
Queen Maud Land
Population (01.01.2017):
Main cities (2. kvartal 2017):
Oslo 669.060
Bergen 279.035
Trondheim 191.152
Stavanger 132.913
Kristiansand 89.760
Fredrikstad 80.536
Sandnes 76.076
Tromsø 75.128
Drammen 68.523
Sarpsborg 55.334
Life expectancy (09.03.2017):
Men: 80,61 years
Women: 84,17 years
Length of common frontiers:
2.542 km
- Sweden 1.619 km
- Finland 727 km
- Russia 196 km
- Shortest distance north/south 1.752 km
Length of the continental coastline 21.465 km
- Not incl. Fjords and bays 2.650 km
Greatest width of the country 430 km
Least width of the country 6,3 km
Largest lake:
Mjøsa 362 km2
Longest river:
Glomma 600 km
Highest waterfall:
Skykkjedalsfossen 300 m
Highest mountain:
Galdhøpiggen 2.469 m
Largest glacier:
Jostedalsbreen 487 km2
Longest fjord:
Sognefjorden 204 km
Monetary unit:
NOK (Krone), 27.06.2016: 1 BRL = 2,51